Pushing the pedals
A last minute purchase before the trip sees me sitting on the Ridge in the early morning watching school children file past. Next to me is a bike with no pedals, it would be laughable were it not happening to me right now. I sit considering my options when Hassan a Kashmiri tout I’ve been […]
Once summer time residence of the Indian government in the time the Raj, Shimla today has a feeling of days gone by. Now an Indian tourist town rather than the clerical and bureaucratic power house under imperial rule. The Ridge and Mall offer glimpses of a bygone era. The Ridge a tree lined Victorian […]
In to the foothills of the Himalayas
Ever one to procrastinate the list of jobs I knew I had to complete before going away suddenly became over whelmingly urgent. Stress levels rose and some last minute glitches meant those closest to me looked on wondering whether I would be ready in time. As Sunday morning came, I woke with a knot in […]